
Args.js lets you easily create functions with optional parameters, default parameters, parameter groups and named parameters. It checks types and will trigger exceptions if a function is called incorrectly.

More of this

var args = Args([
	{elements:  Args.ARRAY    | Args.Required},
	{qualifier: Args.FUNCTION | Args.Optional},
	{node:      Args.DOM_EL   | Args.Optional}
	{regex:     Args.STRING   | Args.Optional},
	{index:     Args.INT      | Args.Optional,
		_default: 0}
], arguments);

Less of this

// set a default value for qualifier
qualifier = qualifier || 0;

if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
	// treat qualifier as function
} else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
	// treat qualifier as a DOM node
} else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) {
	// treat qualifier as a regular expression
} else {
	// treat qualifier as an index
Based on actual code in jQuery


Clearly and safely specify the arguments your function takes. Have flexibility without writing spaghetti code.

function addBook() {
	var args = Args([
		{title:       Args.STRING | Args.Required},
		{description: Args.STRING | Args.Optional},
		{rating:      Args.INT    | Args.Optional}
	], arguments);

	args.title === "Frankenstein";
	args.description === undefined;
	args.rating === 5;

addBook("Frankenstein", 5);


Full (12.0k) Minified (4.1k)


Or install with NPM:

npm install args-js

Or Bower:

bower install args-js


The code is on GitHub and is MIT licensed. It works like <script src=...> in a browser or with AMD or Node.js's require(). There are over 50 tests (so far) which can be run using mocha.


Optional & Required Arguments

Arguments can be specified as optional or required. If a required argument is absent an exception is thrown.

var args = Args([
	{title:       Args.STRING | Args.Required},
	{description: Args.STRING | Args.Optional},
	{rating:      Args.INT    | Args.Optional}
], arguments);

Default Arguments

Optional arguments can have default values if no value is passed.

var args = Args([
	{description: Args.STRING | Args.Optional,
		_default: "Description missing"},
	{rating:      Args.INT    | Args.Optional,
		_default: 3}
], arguments);

Custom Types

Args.js can work with your custom class hierarchy.

var args = Args([
	{title: Args.STRING | Args.Required},
	{book:  Args.OBJECT | Args.Required,
		_type: MyBook}
], arguments);

Argument Groups

Specify an argument group when one of serveral types can be passed.

function myFunc() {
	var args = Args([
		{title: Args.STRING | Args.Required},
			{description: Args.STRING},
			{myBook:      Args.OBJECT, _type: MyBook}
	], arguments);

myFunc("Wuthering Heights", wutherBookObject);
// or
myFunc("Wuthering Heights", "A book about love and rain.");

Named Arguments

You can call your functions with named arguments too.

function myFunc() {
	var args = Args([
		{title:       Args.STRING | Args.Required},
		{description: Args.STRING | Args.Optional},
		{rating:      Args.INT    | Args.Optional}
	], arguments);

myFunc("Frankenstein", "A book about monsters", 5);
// or
myFunc("Frankenstein", {
			description: "A book about monsters",
			rating: 5
// or
	title: "Frankenstein",
	description: "A book about monsters",
	rating: 5

Mixed Order Arguments

Your first and third arguments are optional but the second and fourth aren't? No problem.

function addBook() {
	var args = Args([
		{author:   Args.OBJECT   | Args.Optional, _type: MyAuthor},
		{title:    Args.STRING   | Args.Required},
		{rating:   Args.INT      | Args.Optional},
		{callback: Args.FUNCTION | Args.Required}
	], arguments);

// you can now call
addBook(new MyAuthor("Mary Shelley"), "Frankenstein", 5, function(book) { /* ... */ });
// or
addBook("Frankenstein", function(book) { /* ... */ });

Custom Checks

You can write custom check functions to guarantee the right arguments get through.

var args = Args([
	{author:   Args.OBJECT   | Args.Required, _check:
		function(author) { return === "Mary Shelley"; }
	{title:    Args.STRING   | Args.Required}
], arguments);

Argument Precedence

Args.js gives first precedence to named arguments, other arguments will be shifted to the right:

function addBook() {
	var args = Args([
		{author:   Args.STRING   | Args.Required},
		{title:    Args.STRING   | Args.Required}
	], arguments);

addBook("Frankenstein", {author: "Mary Shelley"});

// === "Mary Shelley" 
// args.title === "Frankenstein" 
It also prefers Required arguments over Optional ones:

function addBook() {
	var args = Args([
		{author:   Args.STRING   | Args.Optional},
		{title:    Args.STRING   | Args.Required}
	], arguments);


// === undefined 
// args.title === "Frankenstein" 


Args.js includes the following type constants for you to use in function signatures:


See Also


By Joe Bain at